As Americans we are told that the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of rights and other iconic documents give and protect basic God-given rights. So much so that not even the government can take them away from us. Given the violence of late and the prevalence of alternative lifestyle issues in the news today, our rights are often the topic of conversation. Conservatives against liberals, republicans against democrats, the debates go on without ceasing. But do we really have all of the God-given (as interpreted by a Godless society) rights that we assume we do? Sure we should have freedom of speech and opinion, as well as the right to life and equality before the law, but do true Christians have all the rights assumed by other Americans? In any area of our lives? Is it okay to want and do what we choose, as long as it is legal and not harming anyone else? Should we first make sure that it squares with the word of God and is good for us and not just allowed by the culture?
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Do Christians, like other Americans, have the right to want more than what they need? Is this one of the inalienable rights offered and inked by our founding fathers? If so, is it a good thing to exercise this right and is it one that we would say is God-given?
Now, to help focus your thoughts regarding these questions, it is probably best for me to put these questions in the context(s) in which I normally think of them. When narrowed down to a specific area or issue they are easier to think on I believe. One such context is financial but in the particular area of housing. Having been a housing and finance professional for the last 25 years, the good and the bad of housing has always come down to me asking, "why do people buy more house than they need?" I understand the common thinking that having a big home is supposed to translate into the thought that you are somewhat successful, but shouldn't buying and paying more for, more than what you need of anything be... unwise? Now it may make perfect sense to buy in this manner, if it were something that you were selling right away for a profit. But if that is not the case, then the sensibility of that action should be scrutinized, if one is a true Christian who desires to live by the precepts and instruction of God. Some of those might be violated if we leap before looking.
I've always thought that if, a large house is really a sign of success, then a right sized house would be a sign of good financial sense. But if we feel we have a right to want more than what we need and that makes one successful, good financial sense is thrown out of the window and "success rules." The desire to feel and appear to be successful is powerful in our culture, attractive even to those who desire to serve the returning Jesus Christ. But those with this desire to so serve are to walk differently, using the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:3-5). The reasoning used by American culture to substantiate the scale of American desires, when tested, are often dreamy projections of things we would like to happen in life but really have no idea if they will. This reasoning is anything but, Christ like. Additionally, I've seen that in the day of trouble (when the house payment becomes a burden and the repair costs are adding up) it appears that the possibility of trouble, was no more real to the homeowner than their reasoning to purchase so much house, turned out to be. They now realize they have more house, payment and stress than they need. What a price for success.
We buy more than what we need in this country and that's a plain fact. Do we think it a right and wise for two people to have four bedrooms and five people ten? I wonder then why do we aspire to have such? Is that the freedom the founding fathers intended as they were "housing oppressed" by the mother country and forced to live in dwellings too little for their needs? Certainly not. Proverbs 15:16 says "Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith." Many Americans buy too much house, for their uncertain futures. Wisdom would have the true Christian to restrain from following the ways of this world. It's not a God-given right to want more than we need.
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