Sometimes the biggest problem for bad credit borrowers is not in finding a lender willing to approve their application, but actually in finding one fast. In times of financial emergencies, a speedy approval is of the essence. That is why the availability of personal loans with no credit checks is so important.
The list of situations where fast approval could be considered important is potentially endless, but basically it is when the pressure is on to make a payment. Perhaps a mortgage repayment is late and the mortgage company is demanding payment, or a large medical bill has arrived after an unexpected accident.
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Getting approval with bad credit can be tricky enough, but getting it almost immediately is much trickier. But there are options available, with payday loans one of the most effective personal loans of this type to avail of. However, there are compromises to accept in return for the speed of approval.
Ignoring Bad Credit Scores
What must be understood is that the availability of personal loans with no credit checks does not mean there are no checks of any kind. Lenders need to know that the applicants qualify for the loans, but in terms of credit histories, no check is carried out.
The only reason lenders are willing to grant approval with bad credit is that bad credit scores themselves are not such an important part of the loan approval process. They do influence the interest rate charged, but nothing else. So, of all the aspects of the approval process, the credit check was always the most likely to be dropped.
There are compromises to make, however, with the privilege usually compensated for by a higher interest rate and a very low loan limit. However, in times of financial emergency, the priority is usually to get a personal loan large enough to cover a specific purpose - fast.
How To Qualifying For The Loan
Qualifying to get a personal loan with no credit checks is not particularly complicated, with some common loan criteria to meet. What is different is that once the criteria is satisfied, it can take just a few seconds to get approval, and a little as an hour to have the funds deposited into your bank account.
There are 4 specific aspects every applicant must satisfy. Applicants must be over 18, must be either a US citizen or be a permanent resident of the US, and must have held their current full-time job for a minimum of 6 months by the time they submitted their application. The final condition is that they have an active bank account.
As long as these criteria are met, and their monthly income is more than the sum being borrowed, approval with bad credit is almost guaranteed. However, there are some negatives points to these personal loans that should be considered.
Compromises to Make
It is impossible to get a personal loan with no credit checks without having to accept some compromises. For a start, the near instant approval is provided at a cost. Payday loans are infamous for their high interest rates, with some available at as much as 30%.
Also, the loan limit is set as $1,500, enough to handle most financial emergencies, and with loan terms of as short as 14 days, the pressure to clear the loan in one go is extremely high. Remember, with interest of 30%, a $1,500 payday loan requires $1,950 to pay in full. Still, approval with bad credit is often what matters most.
But, defaulting is almost impossible, with full repayments withdrawn directly from the bank account of the borrower when the next paycheck is deposited. And with the personal loan repaid in full, the credit score improves.
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